Confidence Preserving Machine for Facial Action Unit Detection


To address learning with the hard AU samples (such as inter-personal variability, pose, and low intensity), we propose Confidence Preserving Machine (CPM). CPM is a novel two-stage learning framework that combines multiple classifiers following an “easy-to-hard” strategy. During the training stage, CPM learns two confident classifiers. Each classifier focuses on separating easy samples of one class from all else, and thus preserves confidence on predicting each class. During the testing stage, the confident classifiers provide “virtual labels” for easy test samples. We also introduce two CPM extensions: iCPM that iteratively augments training samples to train the confident classifiers, and kCPM that kernelizes the original CPM model to promote nonlinearity. Experiments on four spontaneous datasets GFT, BP4D, DISFA, and RU-FACS illustrate the benefits of the proposed CPM models over baseline methods and state-of-the-art semisupervised learning and transfer learning methods.

IEEE Transactions on Image Processing